What to expect

You will experience the joy of seeing a truly unified bilingula-bicultural church family. On Sunday mornings you can attend to your regular English Sunday School and Worship service and understand everything that is said. When you walk out of your meetings, you may be greeted by someone in Spanish and hear friendly conversations among others which you may not understand, but you know they are being a blessing to each other. When you come back for the evening service or Wednesday night  prayer meeting, you will have a different experience. Those services are purposefuly translated from Spanish into English and so forth to guarantee that regardless of the language you speak, you understand everything as the translation takes place. Songs are sung simultaneously in both languages, providing they have the same tune. Prayer requests, prayers, messages, and testimonies are all translated for you so that all of your church family knows what you are sharing. On the other hand, if you go into our children and youth group classes, you will only hear English being spoken, as the newer generations have no need of being ministered unto in Spanish. 

Over all, we believe that as we grow spiritually, we also grow socially, by accomodating our culture and ethnicities to one another, thus showing the love of God to every soul regardless of their nationality or culture. America has become the most culturally diverse nation in the world, in the name of freedom. We have learned to work together with people of all nationalities to achieve our material goals. We believe we must work together with the diversity if the culture around our churches to achieve OUR BLESSED SAVIOR’S SPIRITUAL GOALS FOR US: TO BE ONE BODY!

Our Location

Faith Baptist Church‎
7233 North 75th Avenue
Glendale, AZ 85303

(623) 934-9447



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